Tuesday, November 24, 2009

World Prospect notes.......?


  1. 1) Thumbnail brainstorming in World Prospects and Issues, the first page. Letting the pen fly.

    2) The rough pencils, of the image, I decided on for the poster contribution.

    3)Be gentle.

  2. lol figures thats what you get out of class and i like the poster idea more of a serious note then zero and i. let me know what you do with it lol

  3. I'm lovin' those pen drawings XD More than the pencil actually~

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ok, the final image or pencils are up. Don't know about color, or maybe just show pencils on poster who knows.
    Let me know if I should add color or not.

  6. I like where this is going. I take similar notes, ha ha. Looks like a great cover page or splash page.

    Maybe consider doing the whole comic in pen? I like how it looks.

  7. Hey Thanks for the feedback guys.

    -Jared: Yeah this is for the poster.

    -Tania: Eeeesh, you want me to do the pen drawings? Gah, permanent marks....ulcer inducing.
